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Knowing everything about a home is hard work. We not only gather history from dozens of sources - many of which are only available to insurance companies and banks - we fill in the gaps for you, like roof age (and condition) and damage from prior catastrophes. All in one place, in seconds.
We do the hard work for you
Information is not enough. In fact, it can be overwhelming. We sift through all of it in seconds to generate the list of questions you should ask the sellers' agent - which they must answer - to help expose any undisclosed issues PLUS a checklist for your inspector so they can dig deeper than just surface level condition.
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Escrow moves quickly. By the time you typically get detailed information about a home, you've got a signed offer in hand, made a deposit and paid hundreds for an inspection (which can take days if you aren't forced to waive one completely). Get a report in seconds before making any commitment to the seller. Talk about buying (and negotiating) power!
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PropertyLens Report
Beyond just a home history report, we help you look ahead.
PropertyLens Report
Beyond just a home history report, get the full story in seconds! PropertyLens prepares you for the unexpected — from roof condition to damage and repairs to potential risks. In just a few clicks, you can skip the guesswork and protect yourself from the costly surprises in home buying.
5 Star Reviews Smart homebuyers love us!
$129 $69/report
Each property report customizes...
- BuyerLens® Questions to ask the seller
- InspectorLens® Inspection checklist
- InsuranceLens® Insurance outlook & estimate
PLUS years of info you can't find online...
- Property Features, Listing & Overview
- Roof Age & Condition
- Prior Damaging Events
- Updates, Repairs & Permits
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- Risk Assessment & Pollution
- Insurability & Claims
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- Registered Sex Offenders Nearby
- Detailed Property Timeline
...and SO much more!
What's Included
PropertyLens Report
Beyond just a home history report, we fill in the gaps between inspections, disclosures and more!
5 Star Reviews Smart homebuyers love us!
$129 $69/report
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Supercharge inspections and negotiations to help save thousands
Eliminate the guesswork in minutes!
Each property report customizes...
- BuyerLens® Questions to ask the seller
- InspectorLens® Inspection checklist
- InsuranceLens® Insurance outlook & estimate
PLUS years of info you can't find online...
- Property Features, Listing & Overview
- Roof Age & Condition
- Prior Damaging Events
- Updates, Repairs & Permits
- Inspections
- Upkeep & Utility Costs
- Risk Assessment & Pollution
- Insurability & Claims
- Neighborhood Health & Safety
- Registered Sex Offenders Nearby
- Detailed Property Timeline
...and SO much more!